
Austria Friends

Promoting Cooperation and Friendship between Kosovo and Austria

Join us in building bridges of friendship and understanding between our two nations

About Us

The Kosovo-Austria Friendship Association.

Established with the aim of-promoting cooperation, cultural exchange, and friendly relations between the citizens of Kosovo and Austria.


The Kosovo-Austria Friendship Association is dedicated to fostering and promoting strong cultural, social, and economic ties between the people of Kosovo and Austria. We aim to build bridges of friendship and understanding, while also supporting projects and initiatives that benefit both countries.


Our vision is to create a vibrant community of individuals, organizations, and businesses that share a deep commitment to promoting mutual respect, cultural exchange, and economic cooperation between Kosovo and Austria. By working together, we believe that we can help to build a brighter future for both nations, and create lasting friendships that will endure for generations to come.


The Kosovo-Austria Friendship Association brings forward European values shared by the people of both countries with an additional focus on building connections between individuals and organisations, ensuring mutual support by working together and supporting each other, creating cultural exchanges, nurturing trust and loyalty and fostering long-term relationships.


The Kosovo-Austria Friendship Association may have different specific objectives depending on its focus and activities.

However, some general objectives of the Association are as follows:

To promote cultural and educational exchange between Kosovo and Austria, and to increase mutual understanding and appreciation of each other's history, traditions, and contemporary life.

To foster economic cooperation and trade between Kosovo and Austria, and to facilitate business contacts and investments that benefit both countries.

To organize social and sports events, conferences, and other activities that bring together people from Kosovo and Austria, and that create opportunities for networking, dialogue, and cooperation.

To raise awareness about the challenges and opportunities facing Kosovo and Austria, and to promote constructive dialogue and collaboration to address common issues and concerns.

To provide assistance and support to individuals, communities, and organizations in Kosovo and Austria that are in need of help or that contribute to the advancement of mutual interests and goals.


The Range of Activities for Promoting Cultural Exchange and Cooperation Between Kosovo and Austria

Cultural Exchange

The Association will organize cultural exchange programs between Kosovo and Austria. This will involve the exchange of artists, musicians, and performers between the two countries, with the aim of promoting cultural understanding and appreciation.

Language Courses

The Association will organize language courses in both countries to facilitate greater communication between the people of Kosovo and Austria. The courses will be designed to cater to people of all ages and backgrounds, and will be delivered by experienced language teachers.

Business Networking

The Association will organize a series of business networking events in both countries, with the aim of promoting trade and investment between Kosovo and Austria. The events will be attended by business leaders from both countries, and will provide an opportunity for them to explore potential partnerships and collaborations.

Educational Exchange

The Association will organize educational exchange programs between Kosovo and Austria universities. This will involve the exchange of students between the two countries, with the aim of promoting greater academic cooperation and collaboration.

Sports Exchange

The Association will organize sports exchange programs between Kosovo and Austria. This will involve the exchange of sports teams and athletes between the two countries, with the aim of promoting greater sportsmanship and healthy competition.

Cultural Festivals

The Association will organize a series of cultural festivals in both countries, with the aim of promoting cultural diversity and appreciation. The festivals will showcase the music, art, and cuisine of both countries, and will provide an opportunity for people to come together and celebrate their shared heritage.

Public Lectures and Debates

The Association will organize a series of public lectures and debates on topics of mutual interest between Kosovo and Austria. These events will be attended by academics, policymakers, and civil society leaders, and will provide a platform for discussion and debate on key issues affecting both countries.

Capacity Building Workshops

The Association will organize a series of workshops to enhance the skills and knowledge of its members.

Awareness-Raising Campaigns

The Association will conduct awareness-raising campaigns to promote the importance of friendship and cooperation between Kosovo and Austria. Campaigns will use social media, traditional media, and other platforms to reach a broad audience.

Economic and Social Development Projects

The Association will implement economic and social development projects to benefit the people of Kosovo and Austria.


Election of the Kosovo-Austria Friendship Association

Bringing Together a Diverse Group to Select Leaders and Foster Collaboration between Kosovo and Austria

The Association is composed of:

  • President
  • Vice Presidents
  • General Assembly
  • Executive Director
  • Chairman of the Board
  • Deputy Chairman of the Board
  • Board Members
  • Advisory Board
  • Honorary Members
  • General Secretary

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